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Find out what's new for the 2024 tax year.
Get ready to file in 2024: What’s new and what to consider
IR-2023-235, Dec. 11, 2023
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today urged taxpayers to take important actions now to help them file their 2023 federal income tax return next year.
This is the second in a series of reminders to help taxpayers get ready for the upcoming filing season. The Get ready page on IRS.gov outlines steps taxpayers can take now to make filing easier in 2024.
Here's what's new and what to consider before filing next year.
IRS revises frequently asked questions about Form 1099-K
IR-2023-53, March 22, 2023
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today revised frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Form 1099-K, Payment Card, and Third Party Network Transactions, in Fact Sheet FS-2023-06PDF. The updates are:
General section: Question 3 updated
Individuals section: Questions 6 and 7 added
Filing Form 1099-K section: Question 5 updated
More information about reliance is available.
IRS reminds those aged 73 and older to make required withdrawals from IRAs and retirement plans by Dec. 31; notes changes in the law for 2023
IR-2023-246, Dec. 20, 2023
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today reminded people born before 1951 of the year-end deadlines to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from funds held in individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) and other retirement plans, and noted new requirements under the law beginning in 2023.
Required minimum distributions, or RMDs, are amounts that many retirement plan and IRA account owners must withdraw each year. RMDs are taxable income and may be subject to penalties if not timely taken. For individuals born before 1951, RMDs from IRAs and retirement plans should, for the most part, already have begun and are required for 2023.
Tax relief in disaster situations
Find information on the most recent tax relief provisions for taxpayers affected by disaster situations.
See FAQs for disaster victims for information about the definition of an affected taxpayer.
IRS Direct File Update: Free, secure, IRS-run, electronic filing option on track to be available in 2024 as a limited pilot
FS-2023-23, October 2023
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 directed the IRS to study the possibility of a free, direct e-file program, commonly referred to as "Direct File." The IRS submitted the results in a report to Congress on May 16, 2023. The report found that a majority of taxpayers are interested in using a free IRS-provided tool to prepare and file taxes, and that the agency is technically capable of delivering a Direct File program.
One of the goals of the IRS Strategic Operating Plan is to give taxpayers choices in how they interact with the IRS. This includes choices in how they prepare and file their taxes, whether it's through a tax professional, commercial tax software or free filing options. Direct File is one more choice to file a tax return.